Getting healthier cells in our body is the ultimate goal of living a long, pain-free life. The regular maintenance of our body cells is essential to slow down the aging process and decrease the risk of dysfunction of cells and organs, causing health issues and pain. The heath of a human body is proportional to the health of the cells. If our cells are dysfunction for a long period of time, this can leads to various diseases and conditions.
This is where Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) can help in balancing and healing our cells on a daily basis in a very short time. All energy is electromagnetic in nature, and nothing happens in the body without an electromagnetic exchange between cells. We are all familiar with the Electrocardiogram (ECG) and Electroencephalograph (EEG) tests, which measure the electromagnetic activity of the heart and brain, respectively. When electromagnetic activity ceases, life ceases. Electromagnetic energy controls our chemistry. Disruption of this energy in cells causes impaired cell metabolism, and if our cells are not healthy, our body is not healthy, in whole or in part.
More than 3500 years ago different ancient cultures used the healing power of magnets. During the Greco-Roman empire (when Aristotle and Hippocrates were actively contributing to ancient wisdom) magnets were often used to heal different illnesses. The egyptians have been researching the correlation and impact of the earth magnetic field on human beings and animals. In the ancient civilizations of Central and North America the mystic and medical importance of magnetic field therapy was well known.
Early clinical studies on electromagnetic fields were conducted in the 1960s in Russia and Japan. Beginning in 1973 the beneficial effects of time-varying low energy magnetic fields were documented with increasing frequency in North America. In 1982, working from Columbia University School of Medicine Dr. Andrew Bassett published a series of 4 articles on the positive effects of pulsating electromagnetic fields for non-healing bone fractures in 3 well-known North American medical journals.
In the decades to follow there has been an explosion in scientific research pertaining to pulsating electromagnetic fields. Today there are many thousands of research articles in scientific journals worldwide. Magnetic field therapy is considered safe and effective for a wide variety of health conditions. Unfortunately PEMF is not yet completely recognized in allopathic medicine.
Research has shown that low energy pulsating fields within the frequency range of “The Biological Window” (3-25 Hz), as well as the inner and outer wave patterns of the Earth’s magnetic field (7.83-11.79 Hz) can produce remarkable positive changes within the body. You can think of PEMF therapy as a “whole body battery recharger”. By using a PEMF therapy mat just 2 times a day for 8 minutes you recharge your 75 trillion cells. It’s like putting little “tiny jumper cables” on all your cells and “jump-starting” them back to health.
The term “Magnetic Resonance Stimulation” simply indicates that by applying a pulsating electromagnetic field that matches the Earth’s magnetic field, nearly all 75 trillion cells of the body can be stimulated into harmonic resonance. As a result, the powerful capacity within the cell membrane increases and enables the cells to produce more energy. This energy enhances the self-healing powers of the body.
In addition, the iMRS one W@pp is providing an “Organ Clock.” That is, certain frequencies are excluded, while other frequencies are delivered according to the biorhythm of the human body. Blending natural frequencies with the body’s rhythms ensures that all organs receive the most beneficial stimulation no matter what time an iMRS one session is applied.
- To maximize your mental clarity, focus and productivity
- For efficient 8 – 24 minute work breaks, providing essential renewal
in the midst of your projects requiring heavy concentration - For healthy on-the-job stress management

- For pre-competition warm-up
- To reduce or eliminate lost training days due to illness
- For rapid post-exercise recovery after strenuous workouts
- To support faster rehabilitation for injuries
- To improve mobility
- To increase energy, vitality and strength
- To provide metabolic support for bed-bound people
- To optimize physical and psychological balance

- To improve circulation and immune system function
- To activate cellular metabolism and repair
- To aid relaxation and detoxification
- To provide optimal overall vitality
Introducing the ultimate no-pain, no-drug, no-operation way of improving your well being: Pulsed Electro-magnetic Field Therapy (PEMF Therapy). The science of PEMF is not new. In fact it has been around for many decades and is backed by thousands of scientific studies and clinical trials. It has been applied both as a formal clinical therapy for specific body conditions (especially in the area of pain relief and cells regeneration) and also widely used as an alternative medicine for wider application in improving general well being of a person.
PEMF therapy is a research-proven, natural, non-invasive form of energy medicine. PEMF therapy devices use a computer or control unit to administer precise natural pulsating magnetic fields to our body that effectively help to “recharge” our 75 trillion body cells, hence promote body’s own natural healing. Our bodies are electric – every heartbeat generates electromagnetic waves throughout the blood vessels of the body, stimulating tissues at a cellular level. External magnetic fields and the normal electric and electromagnetic fields produced by the body interact. So, a magnetic field passing through our whole body will have an electromagnetic effect on each of our 75 trillion cells. The body’s electrical activity happens primarily in the cell membrane. It is hugely important that the cell membrane maintain an appropriate “charge” or voltage. A healthy cell has a transmembrane potential of about 70 to 100 millivolts. A cancer cell, for comparison, has a transmembrane potential often as low as 20 or 25 millivolts. When a cell becomes damaged or sick, the voltage of the membrane drops, causing the membrane channels can’t function properly, and eventually leads to a disease-causing actions.

More than 10,000 scientific papers have been published about the beneficial effects of PEMF, and more than 2,000 double-blind, placebo-controlled studies have demonstrated that PEMF therapy is a safe and effective treatment for a variety of conditions, as well as to promote and maintain general cellular health and function. These are not so-called studies done by manufacturers. They are published research reports by independent scientist.

Do you know that the earth has a natural electromagnetic field too? It’s the result of lightning strikes that happen all around the planet 24 hours a day. Just like air and water, it’s been around as long as life has been on the earth, and it’s critical to our good health. Unfortunately, all the electronic devices we use nowadays create a kind of EMF pollution that masks this good EMF, and that can make us sick & not well. We call this Electrosmog or Electro-pollution. Just like smog from a factory blocks good air, Electrosmog blocks beneficial EMF.
So what can we do?
The answer is PEMF therapy. A compact electronic device which creates low frequency, low-intensity electromagnetic fields you need to keep or restore your health.
How simple is it? Just relax on a mat for 8 minutes, twice a day. That’s it!
You’re probably wondering what PEMF therapy can do to make you feel better, and how it does it?
The critical thing to understand is that unlike traditional medicine and most alternative medicine, PEMF therapy doesn’t try to cure a specific disease or eliminate a particular symptom. Instead, it focuses on making the most fundamental systems in the body work better, and when they do, we get the results we want to restore our health.
- PEMF increases the energy in our cells by enhancing ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) production
Our cells need energy to function. ATP regulates cell metabolism by transporting chemical energy within our cells. Low ATP levels cause our cells to be sick, and decreases their ability to heal, regenerate, or function properly. Through the increased motion of ions and electrolytes, PEMF help cells increase their energy (or “charge”) by up to 500%.
Research shows that weak PEMF signals in certain biological windows (0-30 Hz) increases the activity of key enzymes needed in ATP synthesis and utilization.
PEMF enhances all the channels, pathways, and delivery of the essential elements needed to create energy: oxygen absorption, hydration, assimilation, circulation, and energization of the cellular pump (TMP or transmembrane potential).
All this comes together in the Krebs cycle in the mitochondria to produce ATP.
- PEMF increases the production of Endorphins in our body – Pain Relief
Endorphins is our body’s natural pain killer that work by blocking up the transmission of pain.
PEMF is essential to creating Endorphins and additional Endorphin synthesis can be promoted by PEMF therapy.
PEMF generates microcurrents to run through the neural pathways, which reduces the signal needed to create the feeling or sensation of pain.
Less signal = Less pain perception
- Bones Healing & Prevention
PEMF therapy is so effective for healing and strengthening the bones that it is FDA approved for that purpose.
A low-frequency Sawtooth PEMF signal has been shown to stimulate the osteoblast cells in the bones to produce bone matter. The mechanism for this is what is called the piezoelectric effect.
The piezoelectric effect is a phenomenon produced in crystals and bone substances whereby a mechanical pressure produces an electrical current. This electrical current to the bones causes them to strengthen.
PEMF therapy directly generates electrical currents via electromagnetic induction. A changing magnetic field creates an electric current. So PEMF directly induces microcurrents, which have been researched and proven to stimulate the osteoblasts into creating healthy bone material

- Better Sleep
It’s important to emphasize that the body HEALS, REPAIRS and REGENERATES itself during deep sleep.
During deep sleep your body creates new cells. You need at least 6-7 hours of sleep per night, ideally around 8 hours.
HGH and Melatonin are produced during deep sleep and both of these hormones are known for their anti-aging properties. PEMF therapy promotes deep sleep, thus recharging your body and giving you more energy during the day.
Sleep, Melatonin and PEMF : Pulsing magnetic fields stimulate the production of Melatonin in the pineal gland. Melatonin is one of the most important hormones for sleep and anti-aging. Melatonin secretion starts and stops based on circadian rhythm. Modern lifestyle may disrupt this sleep cycle and causes sleep problems, impacting proper amount melatonin during your bed time.
Sleep, HGH and PEMF : PEMF therapy also helps with the production of HGH (Human Growth Hormone) in the pituitary gland. HGH is another vitally important hormone for sleep, rejuvenation and longevity.
Find out more here on How To Sleep Better
- Better Oxygenation & Circulation
The primary function of the respiratory system is to supply oxygen to the blood. This occurs between alveoli (small cells in the lungs) and red blood cells in pulmonary capillaries
The primary function of the circulatory system is to deliver oxygen and nutrients TO THE CELLS and remove waste products FROM THE CELLS, to the organs of elimination.
PEMF & Angiogenesis : Angiogenesis is the physiological process involving the growth of new blood vessels from pre-existing vessels. PEMF helps with the formation of new blood vessels and improved microcirculation at the capillary level. This is one of the most exciting facets of PEMF research, because improved circulation lies at the heart of healing, regeneration, nutrient delivery, detoxification and our overall health.
PEMF & Blood Vessel Dilatation : PEMF therapy has been proven to increase Nitric Oxide in the body. Nitric Oxide is a gaseous messenger molecule formed in the inner lining of the blood and lymph vessels. It signals surrounding smooth muscles to relax, thus resulting in vasodilatation and increased blood flow.
PEMF & Oxygenation : PEMF therapy helps on many levels to improve oxygenation of the cells. The key is enhanced vascularity and microcirculation, and also helps with the primary uptake and binding of oxygen to haemoglobin. PEMF therapy opens up the alveoli and increases the amount of blood into the lungs for greater oxygen uptake and utilization.
PEMF & Blood Viscosity : PEMF therapy lower viscosity and stickiness of blood (Rouleaux effect). It increases the net charge on the cell, the red blood cells will all repel each other. The blood itself becomes less viscous (has a lower surface tension) and the surface area increases for better oxygenation.
Find out more on How can PEMFs Influence Circluation
- Improve Immunity
All the previous benefits directly and indirectly enhance the immune system, namely oxygenation, circulation, and ATP production. Because PEMF therapy increases the voltage of the cells as well, it increases the pH and provides an unsuitable environment for virus, bacteria and parasites.
- Relaxation & Stress Reduction
Life is a delicate balance of activity and rest, relaxation and stress. Our central nervous system (CNS) mediates the stress and relaxation in the body with what is called the sympathetic and parasympathetic response. PEMF assists the body in relaxation, repair, and healing. It shifts your body into a more parasympathetic mode if you are overstressed. It will energize, invigorate, and stimulate your body for optimal performance for stress response.
- Nerve & Tissue Regeneration
The four year NASA study done by Dr. Goodwin and his colleagues along with dozens, perhaps hundreds of other peer-reviewed studies have shown conclusively that PEMF therapy helps to heal, repair, and regenerate tissue (not just shut off the pain). More precisely, the body knows how to heal itself. It just needs the essential building blocks and energy to do so.
PEMF supplies energy and facilitates the transport of all the essential elements of life.
PEMF affect the charge of the cell membrane, which allows membrane channels to open up. These channels are like the doors and windows of a house. By opening membrane channels, nutrients are better able to enter the cell, and waste is more easily eliminated from the cell. This helps to re-balance and restore optimum cell function. If you restore enough cells, they will all work more efficiently. Cells of the same type come together to make tissues, and those tissues come together to make organs. Hence, by restoring or maintaining cellular function, you will, in turn, restore or maintain organ function, allowing our entire body to function better. We all know that the body ages over time. Maintaining the function of every individual cell at an optimal level every day is very important to slow down aging.
Hence, PEMF therapy can lead to a wide variety of physiological and psychological improvements like :
– More energy and increased vitality
– Better sleep
– Chronic and acute pain relief
– Reduced depression
– Better relaxation
– Stronger bone
– Feeling younger and stronger
– More flexibility
Over 10,000 studies have shown PEMF to be safe and effective for a wide variety of health conditions.
– In 1979, the FDA approved PEMF therapy for the Healing of Non-union Fractures.
– In 1998, the FDA approved PEMF therapy for Urinary Incontinence and Muscle Stimulation.
– In 2004, the FDA approved PEMF therapy for Cervical fusion patients at high-risk of non-fusion.
– In 2006, the FDA approved PEMF therapy for treatment of Depression and Anxiety.
– In 2011, the FDA approved PEMF therapy for treatment of Brain cancer.
Most PEMF devices are sold today in many countries worldwide as wellness devices.
PEMF therapy is one of those things you have to experiment with yourself to see if you notice improvements. A one-off treatment may not do much, but a full course might surprise you. With scientific backing and no side effects, it can take up to months for those with chronic issues to see results. But rest assured, it’s a drug-free method and has both short-term and long-term beneficial effects.
PEMF therapy is not appropriate for use by individuals:
– Children younger than 2 weeks
– Pregnancy : Safety of PEMF has not been established in preganancy, although there is no evidence of harm.
– Epilepsy or Seizure Disorder
– Implanted Electronic Devices (i.e. Pacemaker, Implantable cardioverter defibrillator, Insulin pump, Cochlea implants) : Because the magnetic field may interfere with the device function.
– Organ Transplants : This is because these people are on immune suppression medications to prevent organ rejection. We do not want to risk adversely affecting the immune suppression/rejection process. There is a chance that PEMF may actually stimulate or activate a more aggressive rejection process by stimulating the immune system.
– Active Bleeding
– Serious Cardiac Arrhythmia (Grade III, IV)
– Acute Flare-ups of Hyperthyroidism (i.e. Grave disease)

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