
Some families have reported steeply increased test scores after their children have started to use PEMF daily.

This may be due to two factors:

  1. Energizing brain and nerve cells, and boosting key neuro-transmitters.
  2. Stimulating the Alpha brain wave state that facilitates learning. The Sound & Light, and Heart Rate Variability accessories further strengthen this effect, and are used in various forms of Accelerated Learning.


The key factors are stress and using phones and tablet PC’s in the hour before bedtime. This may leads to irritability and poor learning .

Incorporating PEMF into their bedtime routine can really help a child’s length and quality of sleep, even in cases of daily nightmares and panic attacks.


There are studies reported increasing numbers of children show mild to severe hyperactivity, and have problems concentrating. This often leads to under-achievement, and problems with self control and social interaction. PEMF has a calming effect on the central nervous system, greatly enhanced with the Sound & Light, and Heart Rate Variability accessories. PEMF offer a structured schedule which may help the scattered consciousness of children with learning and behavioral difficulties. As noted above, all of this is greatly enhanced if PEMF is incorporated into their bedtime routine.


PEMF is especially well known for fracture repairs, stimulating the Osteoblast cells responsible for bone formation. Children’s bones, muscles, organs and other tissues grow unaided, but their bodies are even more vulnerable to the EMF pollution and environmental stresses that now affect all of us. PEMF will energize every cell in the child bodies, and optimize several aspects of their physical and mental development, especially when limiting factors are strongly present.


Many teenagers, and even younger children, show the effects of constant pressure from social media and schoolwork. Some are as much in need of stress relief as their exhausted commuter parents. Depression among young people is already high and growing faster than in any other age group. The relaxation and feel-good effects of daily PEMF treatments are a great way of helping to offset the impact of an increasingly stressful world.

Research online for yourself about PEMF therapy, and learn more about all of the studies that have been conducted on improving overall health by PEMF therapy.

Contact us anytime, we are just a Phone Call away to assist you! Or simply just WhatsApp us now.